In Search of a Dream, He Found a Better One
Graduate School of Business Grad Irvin Knight didn't choose this path, but he's happy he took it

When Irvin Knight landed in New York from his island home of Dominica, he was 41, and hungry for his slice of the American Dream. Knight started working as a residential mortgage specialist. But the housing market went boom, and he was forced to find a different career path. Knight enrolled at Touro, majored in finance and graduated Summa Cum Laude. He was hooked on the “practical and positive aspect of every single class”, so on he went to Touro’s Graduate School of Business.
In a class on business strategy, Knight found his calling. While doing research on the theory of uncontested market spaces outlined in the book, Blue Ocean Strategy, the idea for his own company was hatched. This strategy propels companies to become leaders in their class by drawing non-customers into their space and offering differentiation and low cost through economies of scale. A prime example is—the giant that took the brick and mortar book industry online, capturing people all over the world who wouldn’t normally enter a bookstore.
Knight is now applying these principles to his own company, Zicacque Capital, which offers small businesses a financial product called the Combo. Clients can acquire funding by opening investment accounts for which they receive a line of credit. They may use ROI to cover the interest rate of the credit line. Knight’s goal is to serve small business owners, film producers and others from non-mortgage areas.
Knight envisions his company growing to a team of consultants with millions in revenue. He is grateful for the support he receives from Touro’s professors and Deans: “Touro’s programs prepare students for careers and real world interaction. I learned about all aspects of finance and I’ve been mentored by experienced professionals every step of the way.”