Resilience, Creativity, and New Programs Abound Despite Adversity
A Message from the Graduate School of Business Dean, Dr. Mary L. Lo Re

I cannot believe it has been almost a full year that I have had the pleasure to be working with everyone at Touro College… and what an exciting and challenging year! While our two tragedies--pandemic and civic unrest--are still looming, our senior leadership, faculty, staff and students have been resilient exhibiting an extraordinary ability to problem-solve and overcome adversity. We are a resolute group, and this has not stopped us from not only continuing with our programming, but also expanding our program offerings to better meet the needs of our students and our community.
First, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the graduating class of 2020. Despite the current disruption, you succeeded! As a graduate school of business, we foster inclusivity, tolerance and compassion, and we hope that our students will become the leaders of tomorrow to champion these values!
Below are just a few past and projected future highlights I would like to share with you:
- To quickly answer the needs of our prospective students, we now have Alex-our virtual assistant-where you can book a meeting, request an email response or speak with one of our admission representatives.
- Our Career Resource Center has gone virtual! All current students and alumni are invited to schedule a one-on-one appointment or simply log on and speak with our career director, James Vaccarino on Tuesday 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM or Thursday 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM. Visit CRC Link for more information.
- Coached by Dr. Corrado Amato, we participated for the first time in the Mid-Hudson Business Plan Competition where three of his student mentees made it to the first round of the competition and 2 of them made it to the final round. Congratulations; what an experience for all!
- We sponsored the American Marketing Association’s Virtual Marketing Bootcamp on: How to Leverage LinkedIn for your Job Search, Build Your Brand and Network Yourself into your Next Career. Our dedicated faculty, Professors Zev Asch, Charles Priolo and James Vaccarino, have graciously given of their unselfish time to mentor participating conference attendees.
- Starting July 20th, we are extremely excited to be offering our inaugural Advanced Certificate in Real Estate Entrepreneurship. We have a cadre of highly seasoned real estate professionals in all areas of this vast field and we are proud that they are willing to guest lecture, mentor and support our student body. We have also created a pathway where these students can then transfer these 15 graduate credits into our MBA program.
- We are continuing to build the GSB brand and have expanded our social media presence. Please like us and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Lastly, we are currently planning for many more exciting collaborations with our undergraduate business school as well as our graduate schools, so stay tuned for updates. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions about any of our programming or anything else, I encourage you to reach out to us.
Looking forward to a continued productive year ahead! Stay safe!
Dean Mary L. Lo Re